

FitSync Guide cover image

FitSync Guide

July 28, 20235 min read


Welcome to the FitSync...


FitSync is a PWA, so installing it on your phone will allow you to use it as if it were a native application.


  1. On Safari, navigate to
  2. Click the "Share" button (box with up arrow at the bottom of the browser).
  3. In the opening pop-up, click "Add to Home Screen." Then, click "Add" in the upper right.


  1. Navigate to

Brave / DuckDuckGo

  1. On the bottom right (Brave) or upper right (DDG), click on the three vertical dots.
  2. In the menu, click "Add to Home Screen."
  3. Click "Add."

Google Chrome

  1. In the upper right, click on the three vertical dots.
  2. In the menu, click "Add to Home Screen."
  3. Click "Add."

Account Creation

  1. If you are on the Login page, click on the "Create an account here" button.
  2. In the "Username" field, enter a username that will identify your account.
    • Cannot contain special characters, only letters and numberz, uppercase included.
  3. In the "Password" field, enter a password that will secure your account.

Account Login

  1. Enter your Username and Password into their respective fields.
  2. Click the "Login" button.

Using FitSync

Log Page

The Log page is the main page of the app. This is where workouts will be selected and recorded.

Date Bar

The Date Bar is at the top of the page, and it displays all dates with their respective day-of-the-week. The right-most day is the current day, and the bar scrolls as far back as you can go.

If no workout was recorded, that day will be colored grey. If a workout was recorded, the day will be colored blue.

Quick Start: Log Page with No Recorded Workout

If you have not recorded a workout for the day selected, you will see the Quick Start, where a variety of options are presented. At the top is the Start workouts, with the Team workout(s) below. These will be explored in more detail in the Start Workouts and Teams pages.

Below that are the "My Workouts" and "Saved Workouts" sections. These sections contain all of the pre-made workouts that you have created or saved, respectively.

To start recording your workout for the day, click on anyone of the discussed workout buttons:

  • Start Workouts
  • Team
  • My Workouts
  • Saved Workouts

Recording Page: Log Page with A Recorded Workout Selected

If you have selected a workout for a day, the Recording Page will be displayed. This is the most fundemental aspect of the website, and what started the whole project.

The Recording Page, below the Date Bar, will show the title of the workout, followed by tiles for each exercise of the workout. Each exercise tile will have:

  • the name of the exercise with a button that displays a popup with more information on the exercise
  • buttons to increase or decrease the sets of the exercise
  • the reps for each set of the exercise, which are adjustable
  • the weights for each set of the exercise, which are adjustable

Start Workouts

Workouts are normally built on the Builder Page, but Start Workouts is useful for creating spontaneous workouts. After clicking on it, you will be taken to a blank Recording Page. Here, you can add exercises as you like. Adding exercises Start Workouts works almost exactly as the Builder Page, but these workouts will not be saved as a template in "My Workouts."

Builder Page

The Builder Page is for creating and editing workouts, routines, and teams.

The top of the page allows you to select what you can edit:

  • workouts
  • routines
  • teams

Workout Tab

The next section is the workout Builder, where you can build new workouts.

First, add a name for you workout. Notice the three buttons below the workout title: these enable you to save the workout with the given name, clear the workout and start from scratch, or make the workout publicly available (this is currently available only to admins).

Next, you can add exercises to your workout. Clicking on "Add Exercise +" will open a drawer that will prompt you to select exercises. At the top is a search bar, an button to add new exercises, which opens an exercise creation form, and a button to close the drawer. The next set of buttons allow you to "explore" publicly available exercies, or view exercises you have made. At the bottom are all of the available exercises you can select, each with a button for futher information. Click on an exercise to select it. You can select multiple exercises at once. Once you have selected all of the exercises you would like to add to your workout, close the drawer.

Now you will see all of the exercises in your workout. From here, you can click the plus (+) and minus (-) signs to add and subtract sets for each exercise, and you can type in how many reps per set you would like to have. If you decide to re-order your exercises, you can hold onto the hamburger bars on the left side of the exercise and drag up or down. Release to set the new position. Clicking the trashcan will delete the exercise.

When you are done, click "Save" at the top of the page under the exercise title. Your new workout will now be available under "My Workouts" on the Log Page.

You may also notice your previously created workouts listed at the bottom of the page. Click on one to edit them in the Builder. Clicking on the "X" next to their title will delete the workout.

Routine Tab

The routine tab works much like the Workout Tab, but with a different focus. In FitSync's terminology, a workout is comprised of exercises, and a routine is comprised of workouts. A routine is a set of workouts over a period of days, weeks, or months. The routine Builder will allow you to schedule your workouts so they will automatically appear in your Quick Notifications.

At the top, include a name for your Routine. The two buttons below allow you to save your routine, or clear it and start from scratch.

Next, you will see a bar with your Routines. Click on one to edit, or click on the "X" to delete the Routine.

The next section is the calendar with your created and saved workouts below. Use the calendar by assigning days with workouts. For example, I might want to have Mondays be Push days, Wednesdays be Pull days, and Fridays be Leg days. On the calendar, I will click on Monday to highlight it, then click on my Pull day workout to assign it for Monday. Repeat this process for each workout you want for each day.

The calendar has some advanced functionality to it. For example, drag to select multiple days at once. The buttons directly above the calendar offer useful tools. The first one, "delete," deletes a workout assigned to a day. Select all of the days that already have workouts you want to remove, and click "delete" to free up those days.

The next button, "deselect," will deselect any days you have selected.

The "tags" button adds tags to each day with a workout. The tag reveals the name of the workout assigned for that day. You can toggle this on or off.

The "multi" button allows you to select multiple days at once. This is similar to the dragging feature, except this will allow you to select discontinuous days easily, which is particularly useful for creating Routines with weekly patterns.

The last two buttons are self-explanitory. "Undo" undoes your most recent change, and it can be used multiple times. "Copy" copies your current selection and pastes it on the next day you click. For example, let's say you had Push, Pull, and Leg day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but you wanted Thursday off, then back to Push. Creating a routine for this will have workouts every week shifted by a day. To create tihs quickly, assign Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to Push, Pull, and Leg like you normally would. Then, select those days and click "copy." Next, click on Friday to paste it, starting on Friday and ending on Sunday. Click on Tuesday of next week to continue the pattern.

Team Tab

This tab allows you to create teams.

First, give your team a name. The next two buttons will allow you to save your team and clear the team and start from scratch.

Next, assign your Team to a Routine. When you do this, you and your teammates will have your Routine workouts appear on the Log page under the Quick Start section.

Finally, you can assign trainers to your team.

Find Page

The Find page is where you can find new content on the app. This includes workouts, exercises, users, and teams.

There is a search bar at the top for quick searches. The buttons below limit the search results to their respective catagory (e.g. workouts, exercises, users, teams).

For each search catagory, you can sort by most recent, popular, or alphabetically. The results are listed below.

Profile Page

The Profile page shows and allows you to edit information about yourself. In the upper left you can click on the profile picutre to upload an image. To the right of that is your profile's information, including your account name, days logged, most recent login, and number of followers / people you are following. In the upper right is a gearwheel, which opens up the Settings Menu.

Below that is a date bar that shows your most recent week of activity. Days highlighted in blue are days with a recorded workout.

Next is a section for a biography. Click the "Edit" button to edit your bio for others to read.

In the "Progression" section, use the search bar to type in an exercise or a workout. This will display a graph that shows your total activity with the selected exercise or workout, along with useful stats.

The "Teams Joined" section shows all of the teams you are a part of. Click the plus (+) button to jump to the team Builder.

The last section shows all of the workouts you have created. Click the plus (+) button to jump to the workout Builder.